Spoonflower I Spy Assortment: Eden Set
Our first assortment of Spoonflower-printed I Spy awesomeness. This set is specially curated to provide a wealth of colorful, diverse and modern-leaning 5" I Spies for those that want to cut to the chase and get to work. Set includes one 5" square of each of 56 designs from 50+designers and features everything from airplanes to envelopes, sign language to sushi, clothespins to camels. For the complete list of objects as well as the link to yardage available through Spoonflower, click here.
Each assortment is hand cut and sorted from Spoonflower yardage, and no two sets will be exactly the same. For example, slight variation in each square's content will occur, but each print was carefully chosen for maximum I Spy enjoyment.